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Akon can touch your soul with his songs


Temat: Sztuka i rozrywka

What was I doing when I was 15? In school, playing childhood pranks with friends, cramming up books for examination purposes and in general being a normal 15-year old having fun in the game called life. While another 15 year old somewhere in the world was recording his first song 'Operations of Nature'. Yes, I am talking about the popular artiste Akon who is not only a Senegalese-American hip hop and R&B singer and songwriter but also a record producer. Akon, who has taken the music world by storm with his album 'Konvicted' though that, has in no way diminished the popularity of his other songs and albums, made a strange beginning to his life. The journey of Akon from a regular teenager to an artiste of international fame has a moral for everyone. The most important lesson learned from his life is that talent finds its own way and helps you reach the pinnacle of success sooner or later. Few people know that Akon is actually the shortest form of his real name that is actually Alioune Badara Thiam. Born to jazz percussionist Mor Thiam, Akon Music gave no indication of his approaching stardom even as a teenager when he was jailed for armed robbery and drug distribution charges. But the musical family background and the early indications through recording of first song at the age of fifteen laid the path to success. The stint in jail helped to change his approach to life and discover his true calling and it was behind the prison wall that Akon worked on his music. It also inspired his hit single 'Locked Up' that is still on the popularity of many music lovers. The single 'Smack that' from his album 'Konvicted' also earned Akon a Grammy nomination for the Best Rap/Sung Collaboration at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards. Akon has dedicated the album 'Konvicted' to his friend and manager Robert Montanez who was shot dead. Akon has ventured out into the field of movies and fashion. He is planning to work on a full-length movie called 'Illegal Alien' that is based on some aspects of his life. Akon also launched his clothing line 'Konvict Clothing' that features urban street wear like denims, hoodies, t-shirts and hats. Aliaune is the upscale version of this clothing line. Akon has truly projected himself as a multi-dimensional artiste with many shades to his personality. However this also brings with it the danger of controversies and it is especially true for an artiste of his stature. Akon has been surrounded by criticisms and controversies from time to time and his earlier start as a criminal with a jail sentence to his name has done nothing to help matters. Early this year Akon drew a lot of flake from the moral police and advertisers regarding his raunchy dance in a Trinidad club with an under-age girl. True to his nature Akon apologized to the girl and Gwen Stefani, whose tour was also, affected due to this incident, through his newly released song, 'Sorry, Blame It on Me.' A singer, songwriter, producer who is also into fashion and movies - Akon truly is the epitome of success for many of his fans across the globe. Author: tom.janison About the Author Tom Janison is a music fanatic. He loves downloading music of all his favorite artists. www.ez-tracks.com is one of his favorites sites for free music, Akon Music, Love Songs, free MP3 downloads and online music. Source: http://www.articlecircle.com/ - Free Articles Directory

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