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7. Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering: Cell Communication and Immunology


Temat: Edukacja

Professor Mark Saltzman: Good morning.
So, this is kind of a transition week.
We've been talking about more basic, more biological subjects.
Starting this week we're going to sort of mix physiology and
Biomedical Engineering, and that's going to start sort
of this week and next. The topic for this week is self
communication: how mechanisms that cells
within a complex organism use to communicate with each other at
short distances or long distances.
Then we're going to talk about two physiological systems just
briefly, where cell communication sort of dominates
the behavior of the organ. That's in the immune system and
in the nervous system. This will lead us into a
discussion of sort of bioengineering of the immune
system, in particular, and we're going to talk next
week about vaccines. This will be the first real
example where we've talked about the physiology of an organ
system together with engineering approaches to modulate that
organ, and that will continue
throughout the semester. You'll notice that the chapters
because of this go out of sequence, so we're reading
Chapter 6 this week and next week we'll read parts of
Chapters 14 and 15, that's because the book has a
different kind of organization. It talks about the basics,
then it talks about physiology in the second part,
and then it talks about Biomedical Engineering
separately. But we're going to in class
treat the physiology and the Biomedical Engineering together.
Any questions about that, or that makes some sense?
Cell communication and immunology is what we're going
to - is the topic for this week. I don't need to say too much
probably about why cells need to communicate with each other but
this is a schematic version. One way to draw sort of a
schematic diagram of the operation of the human body
where it shows separated organ systems and tries to show them
in context. The respiratory system,
for example, the renal system,
the digestive system, these are examples - three
examples of organ systems that contact the external
environment. We've talked about the
interesting way in which the digestive system contacts the
external environment. Depending on what you call
external and internal environment, this path that I'm
tracing here, deep within your digestive
system, is really directly connected to the outside world
through both ends. Of course when molecules
get absorbed through the intestinal tract they become
part of your internal environment.
We've talked about one the main concepts in physiology being
homeostasis, that is 'how do you maintain a constant internal
environment? We need to have conditions
internally that are relatively constant in terms of
temperature, and pH, and chemical
composition in order for us to thrive.
In order for life to proceed, you need to maintain a constant
internal environment. That's achieved - in fact
that's the main goal of many of these organ systems,
right? The main goal of the
respiratory system is to bring fresh in so that you can extract
oxygen from it, and blow used air out so that
you can rid of carbon dioxide which is the end product of
carbon metabolism inside our bodies.
The respiratory system plays an important role in maintaining
our internal environment at the proper level of oxygen,
by bringing the right amount in.
You regulate your breathing rate in order to accomplish that
and we'll talk about this in a couple of weeks.
The renal system has an equally important function in
that way, in maintaining your water balance.
The amount of water that you need to have the optimal sort of
concentrations of things is determined by how much urine
your kidneys produce and how much they excrete each day.
In addition, the kidney controls the
composition of your body of many important ions,
sodium bicarbonate which is important in pH balance,
potassium. By determining how many of
those molecules to hold onto, how many to keep in the body,
how many to release determines the internal composition with
regard to that ion. The digestive system,
of course, is responsible for bringing in sort of fresh
nutrients, fresh substrates for cellular
metabolism, fresh quantities of amino acids, and nucleotides,
and the things that we can't generate internally.
So, these are all involved with our ability to maintain
homeostasis by exchanging materials with the external
environment. There are some organ
systems that are totally internal.
The circulatory system which we'll talk about in a couple of
weeks, the heart, the blood vessels,
and the blood work together to form a totally internal
function. There's no point where the
circulatory system crosses the boundary between being inside
you and outside of you, it's totally internal.
Its role is to move molecules around in the body so that
they're available to cells everywhere within your body
regardless of how close they are to your skin,
and we'll talk about that. The nervous system,
the endocrine system which we'll start talking about a
little bit today is the system that's responsible for sending
signals back and forth between tissues of your body.
The nervous system does the same thing in a different way.
These two systems which are shown in the core of this
diagram really are responsible for regulating and exchanging
information between the other organ systems.
How do your lungs know what your heart is doing?
How do your kidneys know what the status is of inside your
blood, for example? They know that because they
receive signals from the endocrine system and the nervous
system. These are primarily
communication systems which act to allow your other organ
systems to work in concert. We're going to talk about
the mechanisms by which these work as well.
Now there's something very wrong about this diagram,
in that it's showing these functions as sort of centralized
in the core, and of course that's not how
your body is organized. It's not that all these layers
are wrapped around the nervous system and the endocrine system.
These systems are dispersed throughout your body and their
dispersal is important, and so we'll talk about that as
Take a step way back and think about what's the basic
mechanism by which cells receive signals.
It turns out that cells receive signals or information from the
rest of the body in a variety of ways,
but there's one way in particular that's a very useful
way for thinking about how cells receive most information.
It's shown schematically on this diagram here.
On the side over here shows a cell membrane and so this is
outside the cell above it, and this is inside the cell
below, and this is the lipid bilayer that separates the
outside of the cell from the inside of the cell.
I've already mentioned many times that the lipid bilayer,
the cell membrane, isn't just a lipid bilayer.
That there are other molecules in the lipid bilayer and they're
important for cells getting information or getting molecules
from outside. We've talked about one
class of molecules, they're transporters that move
molecules from inside to outside,
or outside to in, that wouldn't ordinarily be
transported through a cell membrane.
Glucose is a great example of that and we're going to come
back to that a little bit later in the lecture.
If a cell membrane was indeed just a lipid bilayer,
then glucose could never enter the cell because it can't
permeate through cell membranes. Glucose has to get into cells,
that's the main source of energy source that cells use,
metabolism of glucose. It does so because there are
some molecules in the surface of the membrane that allow glucose
to move in and out. Those are called glucose
transporters. There's another whole
family of molecules that sit in the surface.
They're not responsible necessarily for moving molecules
inside and out, but they sit at the outside of
the cell and they wait for signals.
When they receive the signal they make - they change in a
very specific way and the cell can recognize this change that's
occurred at the cell surface. That general class of molecules
is called receptors and its shown here just as a block of
material living in the cell membrane.
We're going to talk about different classes of receptors
in just a minute. For now, just picture it in
this simple way as a molecule, usually a protein,
that's embedded in the cell membrane and many receptors have
a part of them that is extracellular.
They go across the membrane - this is the trans-membrane part
of the receptor that's going across the membrane.
Then there's a part that's inside the cell sticking down
into the cell cytoplasm. So, this is called the
extracellular region or domain, this is the trans-membrane
region or domain, and this is the cytoplasmic
region. Because these molecules can
span across the membrane from outside to inside,
they're in just the right position to take messages that
they receive from outside the cell and transmit them through
the membrane into the cells internal apparatus,
and that's what they do. The signal comes in the form of
molecules which we're going to call throughout the lecture here
'ligands'. This terminology 'ligand' and
'receptor' you've probably heard before.
It refers to usually 'receptors' that are fixed in a
cell, on a cell membrane, and 'ligands' which are
dispersed throughout the body and free to diffuse around,
and occasionally will find the cell.
When they do find the cell they're capable of interacting
with the receptor forming some kind of chemical interaction
with the receptor. Now, usually this is a
non-covalent interaction. There's not actually chemical
covalent bonds that are formed but it's a non-covalent
interaction, usually dominated by hydrogen bonding.
We're going to talk about this kind of non-covalent interaction
more when we talk about the immune system,
because one example of ligand and receptors that's important
in the immune system are antigens - foreign molecules,
and antibodies - molecules that we produce.
Today let's think about it more generally as ligands and
receptors. The ligands are bringing some
message, they transmit the message by binding to the
receptor. When they bind,
they produce some change in the receptor molecule which is
experienced inside the cell. The way that the cell
experience it is through some sort of biochemical changes.
Those changes usually involve enzymes.
They often involve the generation of what are called
'second messenger' molecules which carry the signal further
into the cell. They often involve networks of
reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that
serve to amplify each other. A reaction performed by one
enzyme creates a product that stimulates another enzyme that
creates a product, and stimulates another enzyme,
and through this cascade of reactions you amplify and carry
the signal forward. That's what's illustrated
here with the end result being that there's some change in the
life of the cell. What would that change be?
Well, it might be that this signal is a signal to divide.
'It's time for you to reproduce', and so the cellular
response would be mitosis. It could be that that signal is
'you need more glucose', and so the cellular response is
to create more glucose transporters to bring more
glucose into the cell. It could be the response is
'there's something dangerous in the environment,
we got to move away', and so the response is for the
cell to crawl in the opposite direction.
There's a diverse range of responses that might occur,
but that response is initiated by this simple chemical process
of a ligand binding to a receptor.
Now, the other thing to keep in mind is that for any
cell there's not just one receptor on the cell,
there are thousands, or hundreds of thousands of
receptors. All of them could potentially
be receiving signals from a ligand or a chemical.
So, this pathway might not be the only one that's being
activated inside the cell at any given time.
It might be getting a signal from this receptor and a signal
from this receptor, and a signal from this
receptor. What the cell needs to be able
to do is to integrate that information into a response.
You need to be able to integrate that information into
a response, and that happens through these biochemical
reactions. I hope that makes sense as
background, and I'm just going to basically illustrate that
basic concept with a few examples throughout the rest of
the lecture. The other thing that's on this
slide here is sort of a simple analogy that I've already
described. If you think about receptor
ligand system as an input into the cell.
If it was sound that was being received that might be beating
of a drum, for example, that sound gets transduced.
We're used to thinking about sound being tranduced;
for example, being converted by acoustic
waves into electrical signals that can be recognized by your
iPods. This same thing happens here,
there's a transduction, one kind of a signal gets
converted to another kind of a signal.
In the case of a ligand-receptor,
a chemical signal in the form of a concentration of ligand
gets converted into a biochemical signal.
That signal is carried here, for example,
by the concentration of second messengers - the concentration
of something else. Often that signal gets
amplified so it can be used, same thing happens inside cells
and there's some output that's generated.
What are - one of the - this understanding of
receptor-ligand interactions has been really the biological basis
of much of the pharmaceutical industry.
Much of the work that pharmaceutical companies do in
terms of searching for drugs is searching for new ligands that
activate receptors and create biological responses inside
cells. There are two classes,
two broad classes of drug sort of type ligands that are
defined, agonists and antagonists.
An agonist is a substance that mimics the action of a natural
ligand, and I show you a couple of examples of agonists here.
Now, sometimes the agonist is the natural ligand itself and
that's - an example of that is when you use insulin as a drug.
Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone,
it's a protein hormone that circulates in all of our bodies
and regulates glucose metabolism.
When you don't produce enough insulin yourself,
as diabetics do not, then you can use insulin as a
drug. What insulin is doing inside
your body is acting as a ligand for insulin receptors which
stimulate certain kinds of cellular responses.
I'll talk about that more in a minute.
Another example is in the nervous system,
patients that have Parkinson's disease have too little of a
natural ligand called dopamine. That can be supplied by an
antagonist called Aldopa - which is not exactly the same as
dopamine, it's slightly different.
It turns out when you give Aldopa to people,
it gets converted biochemically into natural dopamine which then
serves as its own agonist. Sometimes you can design drugs
that act like a natural ligand without being the natural
ligand. We've identified many drugs
that stimulate insulin receptors, for example,
but they're not exactly insulin,
and those can potentially be used as agonist type drugs.
An alternate is to design an antagonist.
This would an example of a substance that inhibits the
action of a natural ligand and they can inhibit in a variety of
ways. Sometimes they inhibit by just
preventing the ligand from interacting with its receptor.
They prevent the ligand from reaching its natural receptor,
and so that antagonizes or inhibits the function of the
natural ligand. Sometimes they act by actually
binding to the receptor. They bind sometimes better than
the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right
biological reaction. So, they bind to the receptor -
they occupy the receptor so now the natural ligand can't enter
it but they don't create the same sequence of biochemical
events. An example of a drug that works
like that is the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen which binds to
estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen signaling.
Many types of cancers, particularly breast cancers,
many breast cancers but not all, are sensitive to estrogen.
Estrogen is a natural signal for cells to grow.
It's a natural signal for cells to grow.
and if you design a drug that blocks estrogen interaction you
stop growth. Stopping growth in tumors can
be a very beneficial thing. There's a whole class of
antagonistic drugs that have been designed to influence your
cardiovascular system. One class of them is
beta-blockers, they bind to beta-adrenergic
receptors, which are receptors that exchange information
between your nervous system and the contractile system that
beats your heart and that causes the heartbeat.
They can antagonize that reaction, and a result they
affect blood rate. More importantly,
they can affect blood pressure as well, the strength of your
heartbeat and the pressure that your heart generates.
These are just some examples. I mentioned earlier,
we thought about receptors as being these blocks and membranes
but there are different families of receptors.
One useful thing about separating receptors into types
or families is that we found that many different receptors
work by the same basic underlying mechanism.
They might have different ligands which stimulate them,
but once they're stimulated they work the same way.
Understanding this has really led to lots of advances in
biology. We'll talk about that as we
come to it. What I want to do in here
is just introduce some of the basic kinds of receptors.
The one that's on the top here is called ligand-gated ion
channel and an ion channel is a protein that sits in the surface
of a cell. It can exist in - a gated ion
channel - can exist in one or two states.
A state where it's closed, so imagine a channel with a lid
on top of it; when it's closed nothing can go
through the channel, when it's open then things can
go through. Now, these are special channels
in that they only allow certain molecules to pass through.
The ones that are most important in physiology are ones
that only allow ions to go through: sodium,
potassium, chloride, calcium, bicarbonate.
We'll see just briefly in this course if you go onto study
physiology you learn much more, about how these channels cause
changes in the electrical potential of cells which lead to
events like conduction of a nerve,
or contraction of a muscle, or beating of the heart.
We'll talk a little bit about that but not much.
For these purposes think about a channel,
it only allows sodium to go through for example.
It has a gate on it and that gate is in open or close state
depending on whether a ligand is present or not.
If a ligand comes and interacts with a receptor,
it opens up; if the ligand goes away,
it closes. In the presence of this ligand,
this molecule, it's open, it allows transport
of this ion, when the ligand is gone it doesn't.
That changes a cell and here's some examples of it.
Many neurotransmitters that carry signals between neurons in
your brain work this way. The cells that take an
electrical signal, which is coming down your nerve
and convert it into a muscle contraction work this way,
so 'neuro' nerve, muscle junctions act based on
ligand-gated ion channels. Another family is called
the G-protein coupled receptor. It's called the G-protein
coupled receptor because it's a receptor, like the one shown
here, that's coupled to a special molecule called a
G-protein. When the ligand is present it
binds to the receptor outside the cell and it activates this
G-protein. The G-protein then goes on to
create some other biochemical changes inside the cell.
We're not going to talk about this in any detail,
there's a little bit more detail described in your book.
These are fascinating molecules that turn out to be ubiquitous.
They're everywhere in cells throughout your body and they
are responsible for lots of the biochemistry of cell/cell
interaction and signaling. Another family is receptor
tyrosine kinases, I'll show another picture in a
moment that tells you more about what a kinase is,
but a kinase is basically an enzyme that can add a
phosphorous to another molecule. It can 'phosphorylate' or add a
phosphorous to another protein. This is a signal - this passing
of phosphorous - is a signal that's used very frequently in
intracellular communication. I'll talk a little bit more
about that in a minute. In this case,
a receptor tyrosine kinase is a receptor molecule that binds a
ligand at its surface outside the cell and initiates this
enzyme activity - this kinase activity - and causes
phosphorylation of another molecule.
This is - there are also other receptors that are linked to
other enzymes besides kinases. I've included that as a general
family here. So, these are receptors,
for example, that bind the ligand and then
liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction
inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't
have to be. One of the enzymes that
often gets activated is an enzyme which converts ATP,
a small molecule that is inside all of our cells.
ATP is famous for its ability to store energy but it's also a
messenger molecule. When a certain enzyme is
activated inside cells, ATP gets converted into a
molecule called cyclic AMP, and cyclic AMP is an example of
one of these molecules called second messengers.
It gets produced in response to a signal so there's a binding of
a ligand to a receptor, the enzyme that does this
conversion is activated and more cycle AMP is released.
As cyclic AMP levels rise inside the cell,
something about cell behavior changes.
Now, one of the advantages of having second messengers is
this is one way that you can integrate between different
receptor systems that are acting inside a cell.
If you have two different ligands stimulating two
different receptors, and one causes activation of
this enzyme and generation of cyclic AMP,
cyclic AMP levels will start to rise.
If another receptor operating from a different ligand does the
same thing, generates an enzyme which causes cyclic AMP to
increase, the rate of cyclic AMP increase
is going to go up faster than if only one of these was activated.
The cell is going to experience something different inside
because both receptors were activated instead of just one.
Sometimes second messengers collect signals from a variety
of different receptor systems, translate them into one kind of
internal change, and the cell then just has to
know about that one thing changing.
Does that make sense? This is another example of a
second messenger, the inositol lipid pathway.
These are molecules that exist naturally in cell membranes and
are activated by certain enzymes and kinases generated by
receptors. More is said about this in the
book I just include it here as an example, but it's sort of
beyond the scope of what I wanted to talk about today.
I did want to say a little bit more about kinases because
they're so important in intracellular communication and
kinases take advantage of the fact that proteins can often
exist in more than one state, and that's what makes them
useful molecules inside cells. That's what makes proteins
useful in transmitting or responding to signals.
Often the state of a protein depends on whether it's
phosphorylated or not. Now, being phosphorylated means
that a phosphate group has been added to the protein,
and phosphate groups can only be added to certain amino acids
along a protein. Proteins are only susceptible
to phosphorylation if they have certain kinds of amino acid
sequences. One of the amino acids that can
be phosphorylated is tyrosine, for example.
So, a protein that has tyrosine and it has tyrosine in a
position such that it's on the outside of the protein and
accessible to chemical reaction can be phosphorylated.
What a kinase enzyme does is that it recognizes this protein,
and for example, the tyrosine that's on the
protein. It performs a chemical reaction
on the protein, taking a phosphorous from ATP
and moving that phosphorous onto the protein.
Now, you know already, or you could review in Chapter
4 that I provided to you, something about how proteins
work. You know that the function of a
protein is intimately related to its structure.
Proteins have three dimensional structures in solution and their
structure determines what they do.
Sometimes subtle changes in the structure of a protein can
convert it from an active state into an inactive state.
That's one of the beauties of proteins as working molecules is
that their structure can be changed by subtle means.
Sometimes that subtle change can lead to a big change in the
function of the protein. Well, imagine if that change in
structure could be switched on and off by addition of a
phosphorous; and in fact it can in many
proteins. Some proteins can be switched
from an 'off' position where they don't do anything to an
'on' position where they now do something by only a chemical
reaction like this where a phosphorous is added.
Kinases can, in many cases,
serve as a mechanism for switching a protein on or
switching a protein off. If that protein is an enzyme
then you've - and you've switched it from an 'off'
position where it's not catalyzing a reaction to an 'on'
position where it is, you've changed the biochemical
state of the cell, you've changed the chemical
reactions that can occur within the cell,
and you've changed its behavior. That's a very simplified
version of why kinases are important.
Well, if this kinase happens to turn this protein on
then you would like to have a mechanism to turn it off as
well. The other beauty about -
beautiful thing about proteins is that if you make subtle
conformational changes, often those changes are
reversible. Now, you all know that we can
make irreversible changes in proteins, you can denature them
completely, that's what happens when you
cook an egg for example. You've taken all the proteins
inside the white of the egg, for example,
you raise the temperature. Tou make not small changes in
their chemistry but big changes in their chemistry.
Tou denature them, you can watch them denature
because the egg white turns from clear to white and it doesn't go
back. You've irreversibly changed
that substance because you've changed the structure of all the
proteins inside. That - irreversible changes
happen all the time too but here I'm talking about very subtle
small changes where you're changing the structure of the
protein but only a little bit such that it can go back.
One way that you could switch this on and off inside the cell
is by taking off this phosphorous,
proteins enzymes that do this opposite reaction,
the opposite to kinases are called phosphokinases.
You could imagine a protein that's existing inside a cell at
some level of abundance. There are 100 of these
molecules, when a receptor gets activated a kinase activity gets
activated, the kinase acts on the protein,
the protein gets switched on, something new starts to happen
inside the cell. Another receptor eventually
activates a phosphatase, that phosphatase now turns the
protein off. It's a switch that from outside
can be used to change the life of a cell.
That was some, not too complicated,
but hopefully understandable description of a whole area of
biology called signal transduction.
If you hear about signal transduction in biology,
people that study signal transduction are studying just
these things we talked about, how biochemical messages get
transferred into cells and through cells.
I want to look at a slightly higher level of magnification
now and think about different kinds of cellular communication.
One kind of cellular communication occurs by similar
mechanisms to what we were talking about.
Here, there are receptors on one cell and the ligand that
they experience is not a dissolved molecule,
but actually a molecule that's attached to another cell.
Sometimes signals are transmitted between cells by
cell/cell contact. By cell/cell contact,
I mean that there's a receptor in one cell that makes some kind
of a chemical interaction with a receptor in another cell.
Depending on which cell you are you would call one the
'receptor' and the other the 'ligand'.
This is a mode of communication that's used very frequently in
the immune system as we'll see later.
It's the way, for example,
that foreign molecules or antigens get presented to cells
of your immune system in order to start the process of making
an immune response, so sometimes a cell/cell
interaction. The rest of these examples
refer to receptors as I've been describing them and ligands that
are soluble and can move around the body.
It's useful to separate these kinds of signals into three
categories. One is shown at the top here,
its call autocrine. This is, maybe,
the strangest because the ligand that stimulates the
receptor is produced by the cell itself;
so sometimes cells make signals that they receive.
This is commonly used in the immune system as well,
but it's a way of amplifying a signal.
For example, what if I activated this cell
by encouraging it to produce this particular ligand?
That ligand was one for which the cell had a receptor that
further encouraged it to produce more of the ligand.
Well, then you could imagine a cycle here where activation of
the receptor is leading to production of more ligand,
is leading to activation of the receptor and production of a
ligand. That's an example of a process
called positive feedback. The more the receptor gets
activated the more feedback it gets to activate.
That can be a very strong amplifying response,
and that happens in the immune system in many cases.
An example is production of certain molecules called
cytokines by T-cells that activate themselves.
Another example is called paracrine.
Here, what's different between autocrine and paracrine is that
there's some distance between the cell that produces the
signal and the cell that receives the signal,
but it's not too great a distance because the blood
system doesn't have to be involved.
Molecules are produced here and they flow directly over,
usually by diffusion, to the neighboring molecule.
'Para' means near, 'paracrine' means 'a signal
from nearby'. Endocrine are signals that
get carried through the blood system.
The cell that's producing the signal produces enough of the
molecule so that it enters the bloodstream,
it circulates throughout your body, eventually it reaches a
cell at a great distance, which has a receptor for that
ligand and the signal gets received.
An example of that is, of course, insulin which is
produced by cells of the pancreas and acts on cells all
over the body. Adrenaline is another one,
produced by cells in your adrenal gland but used by cells
all over your body.
Well, the endocrine system is a body organ system that is
specialized in producing these kinds of signals that are used -
that accumulate in the blood and are used by cells all over the
body. There are two general classes
of molecules that are produced by the endocrine system.
All of the molecules are called hormones, so a hormone is
another name for a ligand that operates in this endocrine
fashion. A hormone is just a ligand that
operates in this endocrine fashion.
Hormones can be proteins, endocrine hormones can be
proteins, meaning they're large molecules that are usually
fairly water soluble, or they can be steroids.
Steroids are small molecules - much smaller than proteins -
smaller molecules that tend to be hydrophobic or lipid soluble.
Example, protein hormones are insulin which we've talked about
before and glucagon, and growth hormone which we
haven't talked about but that's very important during periods of
life like adolescence, for example,
when rapid growth of your bones is occurring.
Well, insulin is a protein, it's produced by cells in the
pancreas, it circulates in your blood.
It can't enter cells because it's too big and it's too water
soluble so it can't go through cell membranes.
So, it interacts with receptors called insulin receptors that
are on cells that are sensitive to insulin.
Steroid hormones, on the other hand,
molecules like testosterone and estrogen,
progesterone, the sex steroids that determine
sexual characteristics and are important for reproductive
function are molecules that are all derived from a similar
source. Many of them are derived from
cholesterol and they're hydrophobic, which means they
can penetrate through cell membranes.
So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the
cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter
the cell directly. Many steroid hormones act
because they bind to cellulars - to receptors that are deep
within the cell, often inside the nucleus.
I'll show how that works in just a moment,
but estrogen for example, is one of those.
When estrogen is present it can enter cells in the vicinity and
it can bind to receptors that are deep inside cells.
This is a new concept, receptors don't have to be
these molecules on cell surface, there can be receptors that
exist in other places within the cell, for example.
Go a little bit further with this schematic and talking
about what insulin does. You know about this but maybe
you haven't thought about it at this level of detail,
but you know that when you - after you eat,
you eat lunch for example. After class you're going to go
to lunch, you're going to eat whatever you eat.
Hopefully it's not a Snickers bar but let's assume it is a
Snicker's bar and your blood glucose is going to rise because
you're taking a lot of sugar in. When it does your pancreas
receives a signal that your blood glucose has started to go
up, and it will secrete insulin. So, there are cells in your
pancreas which recognize glucose levels and they secrete insulin
in response. When they do that,
this insulin then starts to circulate throughout the blood.
If you measured, if somebody measured levels of
insulin in your blood after lunch,
if they took it ten minutes, 30 minutes, an hour,
you would see that it's going slowly up.
As it's going up, it's circulating around your
body. Most cells in your body have
insulin receptors so insulin is starting to bind to insulin
receptors on those cells. When it does it makes
biochemical changes inside the cells and one of the things it
does is increase glucose uptake into certain kinds of cells,
particularly fat cells and muscle cells.
Well, why does it increase uptake of glucose into muscle
cells? Because muscle can use and
frequently is using glucose as a source of energy.
So, when there is extra glucose you want to put it into the
cells that can use it immediately.
Why does it go into fat cells?
Because maybe you ate more glucose than you needed
immediately and so it goes into cells that can store glucose.
That's what fat cells do, they convert glucose into a
form for storage. Well, how does glucose uptake
get enhanced in those cells? It gets enhanced because when
insulin binds to the insulin receptor, it activates the
receptor. How does it activate it?
It generates a kinase activity which leads to phosphorylation
of the protein. Insulin binding leads to
phosphorylation, leads to other biochemical
changes. Eventually what happens is that
glucose transport molecules which are expressed and stored
inside the cell get shuttled up to the surface,
so the cells permeability to glucose goes up and more glucose
can come in. This is a highly simplified
version, but sort of closes the loop on what we've been talking
about. Insulin, the ligand binds to
its receptor, creates a change through a
kinase activity that's exposed, which leads to other
biochemical changes, which leads to a change in cell
behavior - in this case the cell behavior is that more glucose
transporters are brought to the membrane and more glucose can
enter the cell. Does this make sense?
Sometime after you've eaten, say you had this Snickers
bar at lunchtime and you don't have time to get anything else
to eat during the day, your blood glucose level will
go down. Why does it go down?
Well, one because you're not taking anymore glucose in,
but the other because when you did eat glucose you got more
insulin and the glucose got shuttled into cells where it's
either used or stored. So, that brings your glucose
level down. Another hormone gets produced
by the pancreas in response to low glucose levels,
it's called glucagon. It has many of the opposite
effects that insulin has, so not only does insulin go
down and stop these behaviors but a new hormone called
glucagon gets produced which reinforces that change.
These - you're going between these states throughout the day.
Where your cells experience those states is through these
extra cellular ligands called insulin and glucagon.
Steroid hormones can operate in a different way
because of their structure. They're small molecules,
they're lipid soluble, they can go from extracellular
to intracellular. Let's take an example of
estrogen, for example. A small molecule gets produced
by cells in one part of the body, circulates in the blood,
estrogen enters cells, and sometimes that estrogen is
able to penetrate deep within the cell,
even into the nucleus. The receptor for estrogen is a
special molecule called a DNA binding factor.
Estrogen can combine with this receptor to form a new sort of
unit which interacts with DNA. When this bound receptor
interacts with DNA it could, for example,
turn on expression of a target gene.
One of the things that estrogen does when cells are exposed to
estrogen is that certain genes get turned on that weren't
turned on in the estrogen-free state.
It leads to expression of new genes, production of new
proteins, and a change in a behavior of the cell.
Sometimes receptors, when they interact with
ligands, create changes in what proteins are actually being
produced by the cell. This is one very direct way for
that to happen. These kinds of molecules which
activate genes, they're activating the process
of transcription. They're sometimes called
transcription factors and this is an example of a transcription
factor that is itself activated or turned on by the presence of
a steroid.
That's the end of what I wanted to say today.
What we're going to talk about next time, and I encourage to
read ahead because you'll see that there's a lot more detail
in Chapter 6 than what we're talking about here,
I've emphasized the main points, the ones that I think
are important, that are clearly important for
your understanding. We're going to take these
general topics and talk about how they work in the nervous
system and the immune system next time.
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