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9. Evolution, Ecology and Behavior: The Evolution of Sex


Temat: Edukacja

Prof: Now before I get going on today's lecture,
which is about the evolution of sex,
I thought that I would just share this picture with you,
which I took at ten o'clock on Saturday morning.
These are the Hamden Golf Course turkeys,
and they sometimes show up in my backyard, and they're
absolutely remarkable creatures.
If you look at them, probably the first thing that
strikes you is how do they make those iridescent colors,
and is there a different way perhaps that they make the color
in their neck, or perhaps on their face?
Their neck is red and their face is blue.
Is that biomechanically different?
In fact, these colors are a diffraction gradient.
There's no dye in them at all, and the colors in the head,
the blue color, is actually made by kind of a
fractal matrix of bubbles.
The red color I think is a dye.
So there's some weird stuff going on in the way that turkeys
make colors.
Why the heck do these turkeys look like this?
Well the standard explanation for that,
which may or may not be true--it hasn't been tested too
explicitly in turkeys, although it has in pheasants
and in peacocks, which are both related to
turkeys; they're all in the family
gallinaceae-- is this is the product of
sexual selection, and that what you're looking at
is what the female brain of the turkey finds attractive.
Well there's a deep mystery in that.
Why should something that a female turkey thinks is
beautiful also elicit the sensation of beauty in my brain?
I last shared a common ancestor with a female turkey about 150
million years ago.
Has the perception of beauty persisted unaltered in both
lineages for 150 million years?
So you see the contemplation of turkeys in the snow can take you
a long way.
Now today I want to talk about the evolution of sex,
which will eventually get us to sexual selection in a bit over a
And in so doing the messages that I want to get across are
that this is first a fundamental question in biology,
because it shapes almost everything that we study in
Sex, in the sense that I'm going to use it today,
in terms of organized diploid sex, has been around probably
for about one and a half billion years,
and it's had many, many consequences.
There is a puzzle about sex, and we will see that it is
complicated and costly, and therefore it needs an
I think it was the Marquis of Chesterfield,
or someone like that, who on advising his son on the
con-- on the issue of sex said,
"It doesn't last very long and it's extremely
And we will look at some of the consequences of sexual
reproduction for large-scale patterns in the plant and animal
Now I need to set this up by distinguishing between
recombination, reproduction and gender,
because the word sex often elicits in the minds of
non-biologists a composite of all three things.
Recombination is the process that causes offspring to differ
genetically from their parents and from each other.
Now there are some exceptions to this.
For example, armadillos always have
identical quadruplets, which makes them convenient for
some things.
Identical twins in humans, of course,
are an exception, where the recombination has
made them different from their parents,
but they're still identical to each other,
and that is because they derive from an early mitotic event in
development; so they were originally the
same zygote.
And then we have the extravagance of polyembryonic
wasps where a parasitic wasp lays a single egg into a
caterpillar; the egg starts to develop into
a blastula; the blastula fragments into
hundreds or even thousands of pieces, each one of which then
develops into an embryonic wasp.
Some of those sister wasps differentiate into warrior
castes and go cruising around the caterpillar,
wiping out other wasps that may have laid their eggs into the
They don't make it, they die, but they clear the
way for the others, that then eat up the
caterpillar and hatch as wasps, out of the caterpillar.
So there are always fascinating biological exceptions to the
idea that recombination makes siblings different from each
In some cases they are not, but normally they are.
Reproduction is not the same as recombination,
and we can see comparatively, through these contrasting
examples, why it is that recombination
and reproduction are not always necessarily coupled.
In us they are, but if we look at bacteria and
clonal plants, we can see that they can
reproduce without recombining.
And bacteria can actually arrange to have sex and not
divide at all.
They can undergo a recombination event and simply
change themselves genetically, and then wait for awhile and
divide later.
And, of course, in plants, clonal plants have
the option, many of them have the option of either producing
asexually or sexually.
Often they produce sexually in the parts of them that will then
disperse to another place, and asexually in the parts of
them that will stay here; here being more predictable
than there.
Gender is something that is really not at all the same as
recombination or reproduction.
Gender is maleness and femaleness.
So it's all of the secondary sexual characteristics of the
two genders.
And that is something that originated with the production
of gametes of different sizes.
That didn't happen until after meiosis originated in evolution,
and it then created a situation in which sexual selection could
occur; where there was one kind of
selection on things that made lots of small gametes--
sperm--and another kind of selection that operated on
things that made a few large gametes-- eggs.
So those are three different things.
I also need a few words, and I'll refresh your memory or
introduce them to, depending on where you're
coming from.
Isogamy means that we're dealing with a species in which
all of the gametes are the same size.
That happens often in the protists, in unicellular algae
and protozoa, that they produce gametes of
the same size.
Anisogamy comes where there are gametes in two different sizes,
the big ones being eggs and the small ones being sperm.
So anisogamy is the condition with which most of you are
Syngamy means fusion of gametes to form a zygote;
that is one step in the process of sexual reproduction.
Karyogamy is fusion of the two gametic haploid nuclei.
So the gametes come together, and then after that happens
their nuclei fuse.
And these things take time.
We will see that those actually are some of the--the time they
take is some of the cost of sex.
Now mating types occur at this stage, with isogamous organisms,
and they reduce inbreeding.
Mating types are common in many unicellular algae and in many
ciliates, like Paramecium.
They are basically a situation where the organisms of one type
can only mate with organisms of another type.
So if you are mating Type 1, you can mate with mating Type 2
but not with mating Type 1.
This, in some sense, is genetically analogous to
having a large number of sexes in the population,
but with a rather interesting pairing rule,
that you can only not mate with people like yourself.
The population then differentiates and evolution
produces a huge number of mating types.
Now the traditional view on why sex exists was formulated by
August Weismann and then elaborated by Mueller,
and clarified by Crow and Kimura, and it goes like this:
recombination is there in nature basically because it
increases the rate of evolution, and it does so in two ways.
It increases the rate at which two advantageous mutations can
be brought together, and it increases the rate at
which disadvantageous mutations can be discarded;
and I'll illustrate that with a few diagrams in a minute.
A consequence of this is that it decreases the probability of
All of that is true, but it may not be why sex
So here is the traditional view.
In a large population, if we contrast a large asexual
population with a large sexual population,
you should think of the vertical axis as being the
frequency of a mutation in the population and the horizontal
axis as being time, and A, B and C are beneficial
mutations that are arising at different places in the genome.
They're not alleles with a single locus.
They are three different genes whose combination it would be
really cool to have, because it's going to improve
reproductive success, defend you against diseases and
so forth.
In the asexual population, first A pops up and it takes
over the population because it's advantageous.
Then C, which had occurred once before but not in combination
with A, happens sequentially in the same organism that's already
gotten A.
So in the asexual population the advantageous mutations have
to happen one after another, in a descendant lineage,
because there's no sex to bring them together.
AC dies out because shortly after it arose,
AB came along and AB was preferential to AC,
and then eventually C arises in an organism that already has A
and B, and ABC takes over.
That's a process of clonal interference.
In the sexual population these mutations can be conceived of as
occurring at just about the same time as they did in the asexual
population, but they are rapidly brought
together by sex and recombination,
and the combination ABC spreads through the population much
earlier, achieving fixation here rather
than here.
Now if we look in small populations, the advantage of
sex is not nearly as great.
Can anybody tell me why?
You can see a picture there, but can you interpret it in an
English sentence?
Why is it that in the small population the advantage of sex
is not so great?
It still can be advantageous, but it's not as great as it is
in the large population.
Student: You have less animals.
Prof: Population's smaller, yes.
Student: You have less animals
Prof: Somebody want to help Brett out?
He's looking for a word.
Student: Small population, less genetic
Prof: There is less genetic variation in the small
Student: It's a lower population count,
Prof: Where does variation come from?
Student: Mutations.
Prof: Mutations. Yes.
You can think of the population size, all those genomes out
there, as being a net that catches mutations.
The smaller population is catching fewer of them,
and therefore there are fewer things that it could bring
together, and therefore it takes a longer
time in the small population for sex to become advantageous,
because it has to wait for that mutation to come along.
In the large population, it's there very quickly,
relatively quickly.
Okay, now about the costs of sex.
In an isogamous organism the costs are genome dilution,
the amount of time it takes to have sex,
and the risk of predation, of sexually transmitted
diseases and of the difficulty of finding mates.
So let's step through those.
The cost of genome dilution basically is that by engaging in
sex you've made a decision that your offspring will only have
50% of your genes, and it's going to have 50% of
somebody else's genes; whereas if you were asexual it
would be 100% your genes.
So that's what we mean by the cost of genome dilution.
And I think that you can see, if you work through it,
that this is indirectly also the cost of having males.
You don't really need to have males at all,
if you're asexual, do you?
As a matter of fact, we usually think of asexual
species as consisting only of females, and the reason for that
is that they make eggs.
Now you can look at yeast, which can reproduce either
sexually or asexually, and experimentally measure this
difference between one hour for asexual reproduction and eight
hours for sexual reproduction.
So let's do a little mental experiment here.
We start off a vat of beer, and we seed it with one asexual
and one sexual yeast organism, and they happily go to work
starting to make beer for us.
After one hour, we have two of the asexual,
and we still just have one of the sexual, don't we?
After two hours, we have four of the asexual;
we still only have one sexual.
After three hours, we have eight of the asexual;
we still only have one of the sexual.
You get the idea.
That timing difference has an enormous impact on the relative
fitness of the two types.
Just because it can reproduce faster, the asexual type is
going to sweep through that population and competitively
exclude the sexual type; all other things being equal.
So we essentially end up with a glass of beer that's produced
almost 99.999% by asexual yeast.
The other cost, of course, is that if you have
to go find a mate and take time to mate, you expose yourself to
being eaten by a predator.
In the process of mating, any kind of disease that mate
has could jump into your body or into your offspring.
It could be a selfish genetic element that got into your
offspring, coming in through the genome of your mate.
And it's pretty hard to find mates at low population density,
which is why we find that asexuality,
for example, increases in frequency as we go
into the deep ocean.
And if you look at the organisms that are specialized
on eating the carcasses of dead whales,
which drop onto the ocean floor infrequently and at great
distances from each other, you discover that they have a
higher rate of being asexual, or being simultaneous
hermaphrodites, than do things that say live on
tropical reefs near the surface at high population density.
Then if you have anisogamy, in its simplest form,
the cost of males is a twofold cost.
So if you're a female and you have the option of being
asexual, and you're wondering, "Should I be sexual?"
and you ask yourself, "What's it's going to cost
me?", basically if you count through
to the number of grandchildren you have,
you'll have twice as many grandchildren,
if you don't make any males--if you only make daughters you'll
get twice as many-- through your female line,
bringing-- and this is because also the
genome dilution effect is coming in.
So anisogamy, plus genome dilution,
gives you a twofold cost of sex.
This word Acarophenax is going to come up several times,
because it's a spectacularly perverse mite,
and we all are interested in spectacular perversion.
So Acarophenax is a mite that has an extreme example of local
mate competition.
And has anybody already run into this example?
Can you tell me what it is?
Mites, many mites, not just Acarophenax,
lay their eggs into their abdomen, where the eggs hatch
out inside the mother, and the brothers then
impregnate their sisters, inside the mother,
and the brothers die and the sisters eat the mother.
That's pretty spectacularly perverse.
The question is, if you are the mother,
how many sons should you make and how many daughters should
you make, in order to get the maximum
number of grandchildren?
And we will run through this when we have the Sex Allocation
lecture next week, but I just wonder if any of you
can anticipate that.
Here you are, you're the mother mite.
You want to maximize the number of your grandchildren.
You're not worried about getting eaten,
because your kind have always had that, that's just a normal
part of life.
The only issue that occupies you is how many sons should you
make and how many daughters should you make?
You're a little bit worried about the lady next door and
what she might be doing.
Any idea?
Student: Only one son.
Prof: You only make one son, and that's because that one
son can make enough sperm to inseminate all of his sisters.
And if you made two sons, you would have some sperm that
was going to waste, and you could've used that egg
to make another daughter that got inseminated.
That is, in fact, the solution chosen by
Acarophenax and all such similar mites;
one son, many daughters.
Now to go back to this slide, just to remind you.
I've been telling you lots of interesting natural history,
but the point of it that sex is costly.
It takes time, it dilutes your genome,
and if you are anisogamous it costs you everything that's
involved in making sons, who otherwise might be
irrelevant if it weren't for whatever advantage they might
bring in with sex.
So the paradox of sex is basically that's it regular,
complicated and costly.
And, as I indicated with the example of the yeast in the
brewer's vat, asex should rapidly take over
sexual populations.
Nevertheless, when we look at the Tree of
Life, we see that the majority of
organisms are sexual, and even the ones that we think
of as being asexual, like bacteria and viruses,
in fact have evolved something like sex.
So it seems to be a good thing.
We've got this traditional explanation that sex speeds up
evolution and reduces extinction probability.
But it has a problem.
It is couched at the level of the species or the group.
And it's not strong enough to maintain sex against the
invasion of asexual mutants.
The reason is that if you think of it in terms of being good for
the species because it causes the species to last a longer
time before it goes extinct, well the generation times of
species are orders of magnitude longer than the generation times
of individuals.
Vertebrate species last usually one to ten million years.
Individuals last months to years.
So about 10^(6 )difference in how fast things happen at the
individual and the species level.
So any individual advantage--for example,
asex--could be multiplied thousands or millions of times
before the group or the species advantage of not going extinct
so frequently could take effect.
The individual advantage of asex seems to be roughly twofold
each generation, and that adds up to a big
difference over a lot of generations.
So asexual mutants should always be taking over.
But they don't.
Now before I go into the solution to that problem,
I want to give you a little bit of what we think is the
evolutionary sequence in matters sexual.
In prokaryotes, bacteria and archaea,
probably the repair of ultraviolet damage to DNA was
very important.
Then mitosis originated and eukaryotic cell division.
So once the eukaryote ancestor formed, with the proper
cytoplasm and nucleus, and we had multiple
chromosomes, mitosis originated.
We're back about probably 1.5 to 2 billion years here.
Then meiosis, which is really a very,
very complicated symphonic arrangement, originated by a
duplication and modification of mitosis.
Then only after we had mitosis did we get isogamous mating
types, and then we had the evolution of anisogamy.
Now the evolution of anisogamy is actually a big deal because
it is what eventually led to the differences between males and
So sexual selection only starts to happen after we have things
that make gametes of different sizes.
So the ideas about why that happened are kind of
interesting, because they're right at the origin of
male/female difference.
One of the ideas is that a bigger egg would improve
offspring survival.
So some of the individuals in the population,
in the isogamous population, might be under selection to
produce bigger eggs, because they could then have
babies that survive better.
They could also produce more pheromones.
So they could advertise, so those eggs could advertise
their presence better.
A bigger egg is a better perfume factory.
So you should think of eggs as being big, fat perfume
Once this--and this is now frequency dependent selection--
once some of the organisms started to make bigger eggs,
the others, some of the others, could decide,
"Oh, I don't need to make a big egg and invest a lot of
energy in it because somebody else is doing that for me;
instead I'll try to inseminate lots of eggs."
And they got selected to make sperm.
So they made many small gametes that could swim fast and were
good at detecting perfume.
That's one idea.
Another idea on anisogamy is that those big eggs have got
cytoplasmic organelles, and those cytoplasmic
organelles have got their own independent genome in them,
that they had when they came in as mitochondria or as
chloroplasts or as spindle apparatus.
And you don't want to generate a situation in which you have
competing cytoplasmic genomes, because if you do,
you get an uncontrollable evolution,
microevolutionary process going on in the cytoplasm that can
cause the takeover of the cytoplasm by a basically selfish
mitochondrion or a selfish chloroplast.
There are, in fact, mitochondrial cancers.
There are cases in which mitochondria get out of hand and
you end up with cells that are just packed wall to wall with
You don't want that.
You want to have the cell to be a relatively well regulated,
well biochemically balanced environment.
So one of the consequences of biparental inheritance,
where you are only getting your organelles from one of the
parents, normally the female,
is that you avoid conflicts.
This may or may not have been important at the origin of
anisogamy, but it is certainly one of the reasons for its
And before I go into mutations and parasites,
let's recall something that August Weismann said back in
1892: "Sex has a huge number of consequences."
It's been around for a long time, and so when we try to
detect why sex originally evolved,
we're dealing with a situation in which the original reasons
are concealed by lots of layers of adaptations that have built
up since then.
So we have to clearly distinguish between causes and
consequences of sex.
But this is now very hard to do because the original causes are
now covered up with so many of the secondary consequences.
People have been repeatedly fooled by confusing consequences
for causes.
In a sense I suppose the bottom line on that slide is we
actually are in a position were we can talk intelligently and we
can do science on the reasons for the maintenance of sex,
but we have difficulty--and may always have difficulty--
in identifying the real reasons why sex originated,
because that happened a long time ago,
in a different situation, and it's had all kinds of
Okay, so what kinds of forces maintain recombination?
When Alex Kondrashov wrote a paper about this about,
oh gosh, it's fifteen years ago now,
he came up with forty-three, and I'm only going to list a
I'm only going to list the ones that I think remain plausible
and can be demonstrated experimentally or comparatively.
However, I want you to be aware that if you decide to write a
paper on this, and you want to know what are
all the reasons that people have given for the origin and
maintenance of sex, that the list is on the order
of forty or fifty hypotheses.
There are two important genetic hypotheses.
One is repair and the other is mutations, and in a sense
mutations really are an issue of repair at the level of the
And there are ecological hypotheses.
Parasites and pathogens, and the co-evolutionary problem
that they pose, are accepted by many now as a
major reason why sex is maintained in populations.
And it is also true that recombination spreads risks and
hedges bets in ways that go beyond the issue of whether your
children are going to be infected by a particular
You can deal with all sorts of ecological situations.
So you can think of the reasons as falling into two general
categories: genetic and ecological.
So back in prokaryotes, a lot of repair mechanisms were
evolved, and they are sophisticated.
They're still in operation; they're readily studied in
microbiology laboratories.
DNA polymerase itself does proofreading.
If a nucleotide has been excised and is missing from the
sequence, then you can use the complementary strand to patch it
So that happens, and that needs a
double-stranded DNA, not a single-stranded RNA.
So if you're just dealing with a single-stranded RNA virus,
it may very well have difficulty doing this kind of
repair, and has a very,
very high mutation rate.
I want you to remember whenever I say mutation,
that it is often a problem of inadequate repair.
So the repair mechanisms actually control the mutation
In eukaryotes we have this kind of proofreading,
and we've got a lot more.
There are some repair mechanisms that actually need
So you have a whole extra chromosome.
You have two double-stranded DNA molecules,
and you can go to the alternate as a backup.
So you can use that to repair any mutational damage.
But the most interesting kind is recombinational repair;
well let's put it this way, to somebody who thinks at the
population level, the most interesting kind is
recombinational repair, and that is because it isolates
the defects on a subset of gametes.
You can have mutations in five or six genes.
Recombination could put them all into one set of gametes,
and if those gametes die, those mutations are gone.
So recombinational repair isolates and throws away,
through natural selection, the defects in the genome.
There is a concept here that I want you all to absorb and
understand, and it has to do with the way
that mutations will accumulate in small populations that are
And it's important because it can be shown that this idea is
at least theoretically true-- it can be demonstrated
experimentally in small populations--
and it is a serious, long-term problem for anything
that's asexual.
Works like this.
In a small population, the class of organisms that has
the fewest mutations is eventually lost by drift.
So you should think of this starting off with a perfectly
clean population of let's say bacteria.
It's a small one, there are only ten or twenty of
None of them have any mutations.
Then the first mutation arises, and eventually it drifts
through the population and it is fixed.
That will eventually happen.
At that point all the organisms in the small population have one
Because they all have one, they can't get rid of it.
The process happens again.
Then they have two, and so forth.
So that leads to an inexorable increase in the number of
mutations in the class of organisms that has the fewest.
It goes--the fewest goes from zero to one to two to three,
and so forth.
And the kinds of organisms that are afflicted by this would be
mitochondria and chloroplast in the germ line,
and ancient asexuals like bdelloid rotifers.
What's going on basically is that this correlation between
reproductive success and trait or genetic state gets wiped out
by the Law of Small Numbers.
As you decrease the size of the population, it becomes less-
natural selection becomes less and less powerful.
You just get more noise, simply due to sampling issues;
you just have a smaller number of organisms,
so the tightness of the correlation goes away,
it gets noisy.
So the smaller the population, the more important random
events are.
When it's very small, natural selection has very
little opportunity to operate, and the reason it loses its
force is that the correlation of trait variation with
reproductive success is lost in the noise of a small number of
arbitrary events.
So that's what's going to go on when say you start off an oocyte
with two or three mitochondria; that's a very small number of
mitochondria to go into an oocyte,
and that's a genetic bottleneck through which mitochondria will
go in every generation.
There might be 10,000 of them in your liver cells,
but if they're a small number in oocytes, then they are going
to experience drift.
So you can think of this as stochasticity driving a wheel
around, and there is a lever here that
allows it to go forward but won't allow it to go back.
The capital letters are beneficial genes,
and the small letters are mutations,
and Muller's ratchet will take this population and at first one
of these genes will get replaced,
through drift, by a deleterious mutation;
then two; then three;
then four; then five;
and so forth.
And if you plot here, from few at the top to many on
the bottom, the number of deleterious
mutations that are carried by the least loaded genotype--
that is, the type in the population that has the fewest
deleterious mutations-- it's increasing,
and fitness is going down.
This won't happen in a sexual population, and it won't happen
in an infinite asexual population.
The infinite asexual population is big enough always to have
some individuals in it that don't have any mutation,
and they will keep taking over.
But in a finite asexual population, Muller's ratchet
So it's important in organelle DNA, and this problem of
Muller's ratchet in organelle DNA could be solved,
for example, if mitochondria had sex.
There has been a controversy over whether mitochondria have
sex, and if you would like to read a
paper that was written for this course on that issue,
it's up on the website--it's called Example Paper--
and it reviews the status of that issue about two years ago.
In mammals, mutations in organelle DNA may be solved with
gamete selection through oocytic atresia.
One of the reasons why female mammals may make 7,000,000
oocytes, when they're embryos,
and then kill most of them before they start menstruating,
is that they are getting rid of mutations that may have built up
in the mitochondria.
What about the ancient asexuals, those bdelloid
Well they have really two possibilities.
One is that they could try and arrange their physiology so that
they could make the effects of any mutation more serious.
And that has been suggested as a hypothesis,
and I find it implausible; but it's a hypothesis which is
out there.
If you can make any mutation really serious,
so that it kills anything that it occurs in,
it has no chance to accumulate.
It's only the deleterious but not fatal mutations that can
So that's a logical possibility, but biologically I
find it implausible.
Or they could always maintain a very large population,
so that drift is not a problem.
And most of the things that are ancient asexuals do have at
least large populations; not infinite but certainly
So here's a bdelloid rotifer, and it's managed to escape
these problems.
Nobody has ever seen a male bdelloid rotifer.
You could go outside OML and take some moss off the side of
the building and put it into a cover slip,
and some bdelloid rotifers would swim out of it.
They're all over the planet.
Even though it's avoided the problems with mutations,
we don't know how it's dealt with pathogens and parasites.
And that's this next issue.
Parasites are the principle way that the idea of co-evolution is
realized in the context of the evolution of sex.
What happened to the Red Queen, or what happened to Alice when
she met the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's book Through the
Looking Glass?
Did any of you run into that?
Alice sits on a chess board and she is--
this is kind of in a dream--and she's trying to march down the
eight squares of the chess board so that she can be promoted to a
She's a pawn in the chess game, and she's trying and trying to
get there, and the Red Queen comes up to
here and says, "Alice,
in this game you have to run as fast as you possibly can,
only to stay in place."
So it's called the Red Queen Hypothesis,
and the idea is that in evolution organisms are evolving
as fast as they can, but they're in fact not
increasing their fitness, and they are not decreasing
their long-term extinction probability because the
parasites and pathogens in their environment are coevolving with
them and keeping up with them.
So it's called the Red Queen, basically to communicate the
idea that if you are in a co-evolutionary arms race,
then you may have to run as fast as you possibly can,
just to stay in the same place.
So what it requires is genetic variation for resistance in the
host; genetic variation for virulence
in the pathogen.
We can see that in Daphnia and its parasites,
and in crop plants and their pathogens.
So the assumptions appear to be fulfilled in some well studied
systems, and you can see some of the data here.
So this is a case--this is a complex table.
I'd like you to be able to interpret things like this.
Basically what's gone on here is that ten clones of Daphnia--
or is it nine?--nine clones of Daphnia have been isolated from
a lake, and out of each of those clones
a strain of a parasite has been isolated.
This parasite is Pasteuria ramosa, and it infects the body
cavity of Daphnia and castrates it.
Often parasites castrate their hosts.
The numbers are the percentage infected.
If you look at that you can see, for example,
that this strain of Pasteuria is really good at infecting the
host that it came out of, and really lousy at infecting
this other clone of Daphnia here;
does pretty well in E and G; and very, very poorly in B,
C, F and H.
So one way to look at it is to ask, "Where do the
parasites do well?"
And the answer is, only in some of the clones.
Now if you ask, "How about the Daphnia,
how are they doing against the parasites?"
Well you can just go down a column and you can see that this
Type D here is actually pretty resistant to almost everything
out there, and at the worst it gets hit by
this parasite that came out of clone G, over here.
So from these data you can conclude that there is genetic
variation for resistance and there is genetic variation for
virulence, in a natural population.
The parasites are selecting for host resistance.
The hosts are selecting for parasite virulence,
but the parasites have to keep hopping around,
onto different hosts.
The parasite selection is happening on a time scale of
days, and prevalence of a particular
parasite decreases as resistant host types increase in
So that's just what you need to maintain sex.
So that one looks pretty plausible.
There's another example from nature that's pretty well
studied, and that's worms living in
snails and ducks in a beautiful lake on the South Island of New
Zealand, and the people who get to go
study this stuff go to one of the most beautiful parts of the
world, where they then put on wet
suits and dive into freezing cold water.
> Okay?
The behavior of scientists is difficult to explain.
So this is the lifecycle of the worm.
The adult worms are in the duck.
They make eggs.
The snails pick up the eggs.
The worms reproduce in the snail's body.
Then they are excreted as cysts.
The ducks eat the cysts, and the life cycle goes around
like this.
So anytime this loop can be completed, the worms can stay
adapted to the snails and to the ducks.
If this is broken at any point, then the worms are no longer
adapted to the snails, or to the ducks.
This is the kind of situation in this lake in New Zealand.
The ducks are in shallow water, and the worms come out of the
ducks and infect snails.
They only manage to close the loop in shallow water,
because the ducks don't dive very deep to eat the snails.
The worms that are coming out of the snails and going into
deep water are from a source, and they're going into a sink,
and they become maladapted to the snails;
they can't keep up with the evolution that's going on,
in the snails down here, because just about everybody
that's getting into the snails down here,
in fact, is adapted to the ones in shallow water.
So up here there's more snail sex, and down here there's less
snail sex.
And that's a very short distance.
We're only talking about maybe twenty or thirty meters apart,
for these populations.
The only difference is the depth of the water,
and whether that loop is connected or not.
And where the loop is broken, where the parasite cannot
complete its sexual life cycle, it loses the arms race with the
The snails don't need sex.
Asex takes over and spreads through the population.
So asex hardly ever has an exactly twofold advantage.
It's a bit more difficult usually in animals,
and sometimes it's easier in plants than 2:1.
There are cyclical parthenogens--Daphnia,
some aphids, some beetles,
have a series of asexual generations,
followed by one sexual generation, and the analysis of
these guys has led us to the conclusion that you don't need
very much sex, but you do need a little.
You can have sex about once every ten to a hundred
generations, and it is almost as effective as having it every
And in mammals and birds, there are no costs of sex,
because the asexual alternative is impossible,
and that is because early development requires genes from
each parent to activate in complementary fashion.
So when you were a very, very small embryo,
consisting of a few cells, you had to have some genes from
your father turn on, and then some genes from your
mother, and then some genes from your
father, and then some genes from your
mother, in sequential fashion,
or development would not occur.
That pretty much means that asexuality becomes impossible.
Asexuality would only work if that whole developmental
sequence could be carried through only by genes from the
And apparently there has been a process,
an evolutionary arms race, probably involving conflict
resolution, that has led to the kind of
development that birds and mammals have.
There's an irony in this.
We now have so many advantages of sex that we have a hard time
explaining asex.
How did those bdelloid rotifers survive?
We can easily understand why asexuality would repeatedly
originate and spread.
It can spread like gangbusters.
It has low cost short-term; big cost long-term.
The long-term cost basically is pathogens and parasites,
even if it can arrange a solution to the mutations that
drive Muller's ratchet.
So if you look at the Tree of Life, what we see is that the
asexual types are up on the twigs and they have sexual
And most of the asexual types are not too old;
they're usually on the order of somewhere between 50,000 years
and 10,000,000 years, and there are very few of them
that are older than that.
It appears that these forces catch up with them in the
long-term, and drive them to extinction
more rapidly and more pervasively than they can drive
sexual types to extinction.
So we have good individual selection explanations for
You don't have to invoke group selection or species selection.
It has a lot of explanations.
The ones that seem to be pretty general are repair -- mutations
- and parasites.
Those are certainly experimentally substantiated.
We do not understand how ancient asexuals have survived;
that's an open issue.
And sex has had some very important macroevolutionary
Probably the most striking is the very existence of species.
We would not have things in nature that we called species if
there were not sex.
Instead we would have clones that just kept fragmenting and
kept filling in morphospace fairly continuously.
What sex does is it integrates populations and causes the
co-adaptation of their genomes, so that we get breaks
separating the things that we call species.
They are things that hang together.
The other is this phylogenetic distribution of asex.
It's up on the twigs, it's not down on the main stems
of the Tree of Life.
Next time we're going to discuss genetic conflict.
It's something that happens, and it happens much more easily
in sexual than in asexual species.
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